Today we’d like to introduce you to Jacqueline Smith
Hi Jacqueline, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was tired of eating protein bars that claimed they were healthy, but weren’t, or eating healthy food and sacrificing my taste buds. I set out to change the flavor of healthy by creating a protein bar that was filled with real food ingredients, and without all the things that make protein bars a problem. We removed the whey, and replaced it with high protein egg whites, and grass-fed hydrolyzed collagen protein. We made sure everything was Non-GMO and gluten-free. And since we removed the whey protein, we wanted to make sure all the other ingredients were dairy-free as well. Then soy was our next hurdle. Almost everything contains soy, so we set out to learn what would be better than soy as an emulsifier, and we found out sunflower lecithin is a super food.
So with all of these things going for us, we went one more step and added half your daily fiber into the protein bar. Now you have a totally balanced meal replacement or snack on the go, without compromise.
Protein Bars take new shape with our unique 3 cube design. This makes them easy to eat, easy to share, or easy to save.
Dairy- Free
All Natural
High Prebiotic Fiber
No sugar alcohols
No Caffeine.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Not smooth at all. Exciting, but not smooth.
There is a big learning curve for anyone getting into the CPG space. There are tons of acronyms to learn, and a lot of documentation that has to be “just right.” Once we learned the ropes, we have been growing by leaps and bounds.
For a new CPG brand, make sure you learn what you may not know. Like EDI, GS1 UPC codes, GTIN’s, MOQ, Pallet structure, and so much more. Even the font size on your packaging has requirements.
The next hurdle we had was when our product first launched it was running horizontal, with black film (photos included), then we when to vertical film, but remained black. And unfortunately black is hard to see on the shelf, so we moved our packaging to a more colorful look in store. We still sell a lot of the black film online.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Go Energy Foods, Inc.?
We are a small family run organization. My husbands plumbing company and Go Energy Foods, Inc. employees everyone in our family from our children to our in-laws. And we love it.
It’s hard to find a company that really cares about what goes into your mouth, and here at E3, we make sure we take that very seriously. We hunt for the right products, from the right countries, with the right practices.
As President of the company, it is my job to see into the future and paint the picture of where we will all be going, and then keep everyone motivated to make that happen.
Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
I love LA. It’s just so beautiful, and it when you visit, you can just relax on the beach, have dinner at a beautiful place, with a gorgeous ocean view, and go to Disney Land. I love the warm air in the day, and the cool breeze at night. Walking down the beach is my favorite thing.
It’s crowded, and it takes forever to get anywhere. Where I live in Utah, an hour drive gets you all the way across the entire city, but an hour in the car in L.A. does not get you very far.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.e3energycubes.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3energycubes/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E3EnergyCubes/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/e3energycubes
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnergyCubes
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@e3energycubes