Today we’d like to introduce you to Teinamarrie Scuderi
Hi Teinamarrie, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I have always known that I was born to change the world. I think part of this is thanks to my Mom. When my brother and I were kids, she would have us donate at least five of our toys that were still in good condition to Toys for Tots. When I was in high school, I volunteered to read books to “at risk” kids. Then I learned about Ryan White who was the hemophiliac who died of AIDS. When I was a freshman at the University of Utah I volunteered for the Campus AIDS Project at the Lowell Bennion Community Center. I thought this was how I was going to change the world, by educating people how not to get infected with HIV. Well, that was my naivety because education alone didn’t work. I did however spend the next 30 plus years involved in the LGBTQ+ community as an Activist and Ally.
I have also always been about play and having fun. So, how to mesh the worlds of each of my passions into one all encompassing place? Though I initially fought it for quite some time, I took all the things I was raised with and practiced throughout my life, combined them with all the things I have learned through the years since and created some new things to further enhance what I do to elevate people all around the world, and finally embraced my position as a Coach.
A tempestuous time in my life allowed for a complete shift to navigate a path through the negativity that was experienced. From that shift, Grati-Tools TM was born. Grati-Tools TM, are gratitude tools that my husband and I created together as fun, easy ways to amp up the level of gratitude in our lives and share that knowledge with everyone, everywhere, all around the world. I now conduct trainings for companies and their employees, utilizing my Grati-Tools TM; because let’s face it, if you’re not happy at work you bring that stuff home and if you’re not happy at home, well there are many unfortunate circumstances that can arise such as domestic violence, child abuse, substance abuse and even suicide. It has been scientifically proven that practicing gratitude relieves stress, anxiety, and helps with physical benefits such as better overall health and better sleep. Who wouldn’t want a happier, healthier life? What company wouldn’t want to promote a healthy and happy atmosphere for their employees, who in turn are generally more efficient and show better productivity as well as decreased turnover rates?
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
My biggest challenge is getting people to realize that I am teaching more than “how to have a Gratitude practice”. Most often, when people hear that I teach people how to use Gratitude and Play to reduce their stress, they sometimes tune me out because everyone knows how to do Gratitude and Play. Right? Well, not the way I do it. Or the flipside is that they think it’s all just “kid’s stuff”, and while some of it is (like blowing bubbles to help engage that childlike response of wonder and awe, and there’s really nothing quite like watching professionals in suit and tie blowing bubbles….because they CAN), the reality is that all of the tools I utilize and methods I teach can greatly enhance your daily life. I give you permission to lean into your childlike sense of wonder and awe, trust me you’ll love the new, happier, healthier, more productive, more vibrant you. I basically give you Permission to Play.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Teinamarrie’s Treasures?
I am becoming an internationally certified Deep Structure Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach with a focused approach on Gratitude and play. I absolutely specialize in teaching people how to use Gratitude and play to reduce stress. I am known as the Gratitude Goddess, Gratitude Dealer or simply the Sparkly One. I am definitely a unicorn, which has always been something that has set me apart from others. My approach to life, day to day difficulties and other challenges is with rose-colored glasses, and that not only is the glass half full but it is also re-fillable, infinite possibilities where anything and everything is in fact possible. Faith, trust and pixie dust.
I am most proud of the barriers I have seen being broken down and the subsequent elevation as the people involved spread their wings and remember what it is like to fly. Gratitude and play brings us all to newer and better heights of our passions, our creativity, our sense of BE-ing and allows for expansion of horizons where once we were maybe just a bit plateaued with the daily grind of the day-in-day-out routine. I am most proud of watching the transformation I see in the people I provide service to, where their inner sparkle once dimmed has been thoroughly re-ignited!
I truly am not like anyone else, in the world apparently. With coaching I will cheer you on like no other, I will also actually hold you accountable to your own goals and dreams and keep a well lit fire stoked under your feet to assist you in reaching them. With my Gratitude and Play play-shops (because those must be fun too!) you might see me in a unicorn onesie or headband and rocking some pretty awesome socks as well; we might get up and dance, we will definitely blow bubbles, we will above all else have FUN! And within all of that (and oh SO much more) we will be amping up our attitude of Gratitude in quick, fun and super easy ways. Yes, I am all that and a bag of chips and guess what? You can be too! Dive in to the deep end, it’s time to find that Sparkle of yours just waiting to be brought back into the light, where it can shine, shine, shine.
Whether you are a big corporation, non-profit or fledgling start-up, when you need to improve employee retention and productivity, call me. My Gratitude in the Workplace training is absolutely for you. Personally feeling stuck and needing to clear your inner clutter, so you can SPARKLE? Contact me. You will find that my coaching sessions are always insightful and you get the results that you need.
What makes you happy?
Happiness is a sparkling, golden thread that weaves its way in and out and all around every facet of my life. It encompasses family, friends, friends that have become family, wonderful strangers who found their smile when I said “hello” in the elevator and wished them a “Diva-licious day” upon exiting, or the cashier or server that chuckled when I responded with “Peachy keen jellybean!” when asked “How are you today?” Happiness is seeing the ripple effect of love, kindness, generosity and compassion roll out in tidal waves as they spread farther and farther, reaching as many people as possible, and then daring it to reach more! Happiness is holding love in your heart and sharing it with the world; it is being the match that lights someone else’s candle, so their flame can burn brightly and in turn they can light another’s candle – effortless, endless, the joy continues on. And, of course, since this is me we are talking about, happiness also involves glitter, crayons, stars, bubbles, magic – you know, all the really good ingredients for sheer spectacular-ness!
- SPARKLE session (personal) $97.00 hr
- Gratitude & Play play-shop (business) $1,000.00 + depends on # of attendees
- Grati-Tools TM card deck $27.00 each
- Treasure Cube $22.00 each
- Guest Speaking (cost varies)
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.TMTreasures.net
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teinamarrie/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeinamarriesTreasures
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teinamarrie-scuderi/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@teinamarriestreasures1955