Today we’d like to introduce you to Noelle Perry
Hi Noelle, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Hello, my name is Noelle and I’m an oil and acrylic painter based in Riverdale, Utah.
Since I was little girl, I knew wanted to be a painter, and as a homeschool child, was able to invest many hours practicing the craft in my small home town of Morro Bay, CA along the central coast. I lived on a large acreage family ranch with rolling wind-blown grassy hills and amazing views. This environment inspired and shaped me as a person and artist.
My story wouldn’t be complete without sharing of how my relationship with God is a major aspect on my art journey. From the beginning, I was totally reliant on Him for guidance and direction since the 2000’s was a time before abundant internet access of painting tutorials and info. And Jesus would show up during my painting sessions!
Many times I would be amazed at the things He would do through my art! Once while painting, I heard other worldly hymns singing along with me as I was painting angels while singing a made up tune to the Lord. Another time, as a broke teenager, I was getting low on oil while working on a wave painting and in faith asked the Lord to fill my jar and He did! I’ve painted things that have ended up being prophetic or supernatural as well! ..
When this happens it’s my absolute favorite thing and one big reason why I love painting so much: to see how the Lord may use me.
I have numerous more stories of the times God has used my art for His glory by ministering to people and directing my hands in ways I couldn’t have planned. I actually put together a journal book of these times so I can remember and share them with others.
After getting married and moving to Utah in 2017, I felt pretty disoriented and went through a season of depression trying to figure out my “destiny.” During this time, my husband would remind me that “I am an artist” and encouraged me to paint. I was painting at this time and had already gone through art school in Tahoe, was scouted and gained experience teaching art at a painting studio, had done a few markets and had sold a few commissions and originals.. BUT my husband’s words reminding me of my calling was so encouraging. He is my biggest supporter and fan.
Then one day it dawned on me: I needed to open my doors for painting classes so I could better love and minister to people! It was an incredible time living on the military base where neighborhood kids would walk over to their weekly art class, and adults would enjoy nights out with friends or their loved ones as well! Our whole first floor was my art studio. The entry room was set up as an art gallery of my works and down the hall was the painting studio where people would come for class. It was an incredibly blessed time.
After my husband ended his military enlistment, we moved a town over to Riverdale into a smaller home and I still offered paint classes, only, I didn’t have a place to host them. I continued doing commissions and dappled in more art markets, did a few local indoor wall murals and eventually, as of last year, held my first 3 solo art exhibitions!!
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It’s been quite a fun journey being an artist but has had it’s ups and downs. One challenging aspect has been learning to separate my sense of self with my successes and failures as an artist. When I put my art out there it’s kind of like exposing my heart. With the natural ebbs and flows of the creative journey, I’ve had to work towards building a stable sense of self that doesn’t fluctuate based on external factors. Rejections and failures have been hard, but I’ve learned to roll with the punches which makes the wins all the more sweet!
I have ADHD, so this lifestyle of being able to set my own schedule and go with the flow of my interests has been an amazing gift, which I absolutely don’t take for granted!
Another huge aspect of my story which is related back to my art, is how my husband and I have struggled to have children. It’s been such a long, heartbreaking journey, but painting has always been a treasure and a way to express deep things that are often hard to put into words.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I specialise in oil and acrylic paintings and have dabbled in watercolors on the side. Here is my Artist statement to get a quick overview of what my work is about:
To be unbound by the physical, mental, and spiritual wars which wage against us in this present time; and to be released into moments of wholeness, is what I aim for my art to depict.
These images are moments in time of alignment; glimpses of what I can only begin to imagine Heaven to be like; from mere shadows of such here on Earth. 1st Corinthians 2:9 states, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
This earth is not my home.
I believe that in this in-between state of Earth residing, we are able to enter into new levels of glory and experience moments of fullness in peace and joy; moments where the pressures of existence are lightened and we are able to rise above our current obstacle into freedom.
…Where our pain is postponed in knowing moments of calm inner “Okay-ness.”
With the use of symbolism and tessellated shapes as well as inspiration from the feminine subject, flowers, and the cosmos, I hope for my work to uniquely speak to each viewer. Each painting is meticulously crafted with many layers of oil paint on canvas through intuitive formulation and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
Any big plans?
In regards to the future: I’m allowing the Lord to guide and direct me as I go. I have some upcoming solo shows at local libraries this year and am open for commissions and any other art opportunities that may present themselves like art contests, murals and such. I’m honestly just taking things as they come! I’m continuing to paint from my heart for the Lord and am hoping to bless others in the process. I have lots of cool series and paintings on the horizon, so I’d be delighted if you wanted to follow along!
Basically that’s my art journey story in a nutshell! Please reach out with any questions and feel free to connect me on social media. I also have an email subscription list that you can sign up for on my website. But yeah, Thank you Utah Voyage magazine for this neat opportunity to open up and share my story, heart, and art with ya’ll!!
Love, ~Noelle
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