Today we’d like to introduce you to Sam Hobson Fairman.
Sam, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Back in 2019, I was still licking my wounds from having to close my clothing boutique a few months prior when I suddenly received an influx of social media help inquiries. I was being contacted by people in my network that I had worked with in the past randomly asking if I could help them with their social media accounts. To me, this felt like a sign! After that, I began going full speed ahead to bring this social media business to life! I started contacting 30-60 potential clients a day, built my website & started offering social media classes to get my foot in the door.
After a few months of this, March 2020 hit. To my surprise, this was when my business started growing. Business owners began realizing the importance of social media since it was their only touch point to their customers at the time.
At the beginning of 2021, a friend from high school contacted me to help rebrand her already successful business. This friend was the infamous Jenny Wecker, Founder of Fawn Design. When I say this completely changed the trajectory of Sauce, I mean it!
Fawn Design is a brand everyone knows on the West Coast – especially in Utah. Thanks to the trust she had in me, having Fawn Design as a client gave us a leg to stand on with credibility with future clients.
Jump to where we are now, we have a team of 8 stellar social media gals who have a passion for growing brands through social media & have a blast doing it. I feel like someone needs to pinch me because I’m living my dream job!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Just like every business, the growing pains have been REAL.
I’m someone that always wants to run full speed ahead on everything I do so learning how to grow slowly has been a challenge. I originally tried growing as fast as I could but ultimately got burned because our quality of work went down – we just weren’t ready.
For my business model, my product is my team. Finding the right talent is essential – and of course HARD. We’ve had to try talent out & let them go. We’ve offered positions & then had to completely restructure the roles. But at the end of the day, we’ve found that perfect recipe for our team at this time & is finally ready for growth.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are a creative agency specializing in next level content creation, ahead of the trends social media strategy & connecting brands with new, top influencers.
Instagram is our bread and butter. I’m most proud of our TikTok work because we’ve been able to figure out a formula early in the game that helps BRANDS grow on TikTok – not just personal accounts.
**PRO TIP: Have “a face” of your TikTok account! This will help your audience build a deeper connection with your brand.
We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
I learned how to reframe really scary & seemingly impossible situations. Instead of being terrified & giving up, I like to make it a game. What are the new rules? How can I be creative to jump through the hoops?
Contact Info:
- Website:
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