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Daily Inspiration: Meet Sonya Richins

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sonya Richins. 

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Wild Heart Sanctuary A safe haven for wild mustangs connects people with the healing power of horses. 

Bold, majestic, and free, the wild Mustang is one of the most enduring symbols of the American West. There aren’t many places you can experience the magic of wild horses any longer. But if you’re in Park City, you may catch a glimpse of that indelible wild horse spirit at Wild Heart Sanctuary. The sanctuary is home to nine rescued wild horses, a.k.a. the “The Wild Heart Herd,” who were rescued from BLM roundups and are now cared for by Sonya Richins, the sanctuary’s founder. Richins, who grew up with two horses, barrel raced, and became a rodeo queen, doesn’t do any riding these days. Her mission is to love the horses and help educate people about the abuse wild horses suffer. 

Technically, wild horses are protected by the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971, a law passed by Congress (unanimously, if you can believe it!) after a grassroots movement petitioned for the rights of these iconic creatures. So why the BLM roundups? Although wild horses do much to create diversity, preserve history, and enrich our spirits, they do little when it comes to lining the coffers of wealthy ranchers and their powerful lobbies, says Richins. In 2004, Senator Conrad Burns of Montana surreptitiously slipped a few last-minute lines into an omnibus bill, providing useful loopholes and opening up a horrific new chapter for wild horses, allowing them to be put up for sale, subjecting them to terrifying helicopter roundups (horses are sometimes run up to 20 miles), and inhumane treatment while they await, more often than not, a grisly fate. “That’s when I caught my ‘wild horse fever.’ I saw at the Humane Society that wild horses were being rounded up into holding pens and many of them being sent to slaughter,” recalls Richins. “I told myself, I have to do something about this.” Since the omnipresent social media machine didn’t exist at the time, Richins opted for spreading the word via documentary, raising the funds herself, and putting together a motley crew of first-time filmmakers to capture the truth of what was happening. After three years of work, the 26-minute documentary Mestengo (request a copy of the film here) premiered at The Leonardo in Salt Lake City and even screened at Sundance. As Richins hoped, the documentary garnered a great deal of attention, but press wasn’t the only thing she picked up along the way. 

While filming in Price, UT, Richins spotted a six-month-old filly and its mother, who suffered a broken jaw as a consequence of a roundup. When Richins saw the mother being marked for slaughter, she stepped in and offered to buy the pair. “I was living in the Avenues (downtown Salt Lake City) at the time,” says Richins. “And here I was buying two wild horses with no place to keep them.” Fortunately, Richins had a contact in the area and was able to conjure up a place within 5 miles (the maximum distance the cowboys at the roundup allowed) that the horses could be transported to and, thus, spared. This fateful event planted the seed for Wild Heart Sanctuary where the rescues, a.k.a. the mare Wind Walker and her daughter Noble Moon, would become the first members of the Wild Heart Herd. To make Wild Heart Sanctuary a reality, Richins immediately cashed in some savings when she saw the property in Park City for sale, fulfilling her dream and opening the door for lead stallion Kokopelli, Durango, Cinder, Vashti, and our newest additions…four Utah Onaqui Mares that we rescued after the BLM round up in Utah. Giraffe, Grace, Miss Bliss, and Leilani to join the Wild heart Herd, each after enduring tremendous trauma, cruel captivity, and even near-death experience. 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Our biggest struggle is raising enough donations to cover the care of the herd. Right now, we need $18,000 to buy hay to make it through the year. On our website under ‘donations-wish list’ you can see some of our other needs. We really appreciate donations, volunteer & support. Every little bit helps! Our stays super healthy and is so calm and loving. We feel it is because they are Wild Mustangs & survivors. Also, they are free to roam on 20 acres and are not kept alone or in small stalls, free as they can be and not broken. They thrive as a herd. 

You can support the amazing work and help care for the wild horses of the Infinity Herd by donating to Wild Heart Sanctuary, which is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit (all their donations are tax-deductible. Though they accept volunteers and donations year-round, their largest fundraiser every year is Live PC, Give PC and so grateful for the support from Park City Residents. Protecting our remaining wild horses from brutal roundups is best done by contacting legislators. Stay up-to-date with actions you can take by visiting for action alerts, events, yoga, donations and to meet the wild horses & other animals of Wild heart Sanctuary. 

Wandering amongst these now curious, compassionate, and carefree horses at their home in the rolling hills with Park City’s snow-tipped peaks behind them, it’s hard to imagine they’ve overcome the worst of what humans have to offer and can still rush up to greet us. Wild Heart Sanctuary regularly brings in visitors, from cancer survivors to suicide-risk youths, who find immense personal transformations and heart connection with the horses. Although she doesn’t claim they do any specific curing of ailments, Richins is full of stories about Noble Moon, the wisest healer of the bunch, and the other horses, breathing onto tumors or pain centers and subsequent miraculous recoveries. Just being around the horse’s energy help you release trauma and get the feeling everything is going to be okay. During the warmer months, Richins also hosts Horse Journey Yoga Experiences at the sanctuary with guest teachers. Participants flow on cloth blankets (horses don’t like rubber mats) with the horses stepping in, helping center, and ground the group with the earth. It’s truly something you have to experience for yourself, just like with the horses. 

In order to keep the horses safe and happy, the sanctuary is not generally open to the public, but those interested in visiting are welcome to set up an appointment. Visit their website “contact us” 

We also host a yearly Benefit concert Fundraiser, Art classes, meditation, drumming circles, crystal bowl gatherings and much more. Be sure to sign up on their home page to “Be Part of the Herd” Then you will be on their private mailing list to be kept in the loop on these special, unforgettable experiences. 

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I was a clinical specialist in the Biotech world specializing in Neurology & Stroke for over 20 years. Recently retired. 

I am a documentary producer. Produced/Directed Mestengo about the saga of the wild horses of the USA. Also have several other trailers for future series, movies, or documentaries. Go to and click on “documentaries” 

Also, have trained at Humane Society and other sources on how to effectively manage a non-profit and horse sanctuary both on the business side and how to effectively manage a wild horse rescue physically. I am well versed in holistic horse care & nutrition and how to organically incorporate wellness for both horse and human. 

Have experience and training is several horse connection modalities. Heart Math, Epona Ridge. Trust Technique, Reiki, ROTH, meditation, yoga, ayruvedic nutrition& yoga, Intuitive/Holistic Horse Care, and much more! 

I have been around horses since birth 😉 

I have a chronic condition of Wild Horse Fever, lol. Love being in their presence more than anything in the world! 

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
Volunteer, Teach yoga, Donate your expertise, time and value to the non-profit business end. Also, any financially help is appreciated. Just spread the word. We say the perfect people always show up here. It is perfect synchronicity. For anyone that has experience Wild Heart Sanctuary they are part of a very special tribe. 

Contact Info:

Suggest a Story: VoyageUtah is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.


  1. Kelea Hobson

    September 15, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    Do you have room for 4 more wild mustangs? Bought from kill buyers of Bastrop,Louisiana, and the wild mustangs are unhandled and came from Oregon. They are in Quarantine in Louisiana for another month, trying to make them healthy and under Vets care. Please help me find a forever home for these 4 that were raised together since birth? There is 1 filly, and 3 baby stallions ages 2-4 yrs old.

  2. Kelea Hobson

    September 15, 2022 at 7:05 pm

    My phone # 208-220-3966

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