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Exploring Life & Business with Lori Kinsey

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lori Kinsey.

Hi Lori, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my story! I wrote about my story and my big “Why” a few years ago.

My tsunami of change. There I was, sitting in a domestic violence shelter, with a clipboard in my lap. I was filling out a form asking me to “Check off all that is applicable to yourself or your children within the last 48 hours.” I was shocked to resonate with the list of traumas as I began to check off EVERY box except surviving an attempted homicide.

You see, I was not there because of what I was going through. I was there to support someone else that was going through her own domestic violence situation, not even realizing that I might need some kind of support myself. I had been in survival mode for so long, I had no idea my own reality was that severe. It had become the norm.

After handing the form back to the receptionist, I was immediately ushered into a small room down the hall to see a counselor. I quickly told her I wasn’t the one that needed help, I was only there to support someone else. She then informed me she had only seen a form like that once in her career and asked me to tell her more. I very calmly shared with her what my reality had been since I was 20 years old. Every now and then I would laugh (PTSD) because some of the events I shared were like scenes out of a crazy movie.

She asked me to share my current life after leaving the abusive relationship to feel out how I was handling the most recent events. I explained that what was going on was nothing new and we were doing ok since this behavior had been going on for years. I expressed appreciation for her support but that it would best be used to serve others in worse circumstances. I have a gift for convincing people I’m not the one that needs saving. I can thank my Japanese grandmother for that one. Never show weakness or vulnerability. Only show strength and stability. By the time I was finished, the counselor’s entire energy shifted from concern to peace of mind.

She said “You appear to be handling everything extremely well. I don’t think you need therapy at this moment. You would, however, be what we consider a success story. Would you speak to the women in our support group and share how you’ve been able to heal, be in a healthy relationship and live such a joyful life?”

My throat closed up. I hurried to wrap up our conversation and told her I would get back to her. I left and never came back. Whew. . . I had fooled her. I had never gone to therapy of any kind. Why would I? I was successful in life. I was living what most dream to have. A stable relationship, 2 kids, a couple of dogs, a house, and a career. What she didn’t know was that it was the first time I had shared details about the domestic violence I experienced in my first marriage. Definitely never spoke about the dark details before. Not even with my husband. My joyful, successful life was far from perfect.

I was a heart-centered high achiever but had little success connecting in an intimate soul way with my partner in life. I was a social butterfly, holding large gatherings in my home while my relationship with my teenage daughter was nonexistent when she needed a mother the most. And I was going to work every day as a miserable martyr believing in someone else’s vision more than they did.

I took what the therapist said seriously though. The thought of helping even ONE person heal even a little bit made my heart flutter. On the surface, I was excited and would practice sharing my story. But honestly, I was scared shitless. I couldn’t get through it without completely breaking down. I had locked up those memories, those emotions DEEP down, and had tossed away the key. Now that I was connecting to them, the floodgates had opened. I felt like an imposter. How could I possibly inspire survivors of abuse when I couldn’t even talk about the topic, let alone share my story?! It was time to do my own work. It was time to heal. This is when The Spiral came into my life. Spiral is an emotional clearing modality that was created to release deep conditioning providing immediate results and rapid transformation.

It was introduced to me by a mentor I was working with transitioning into the next phase of life now that the kids were growing up. I went through The Spiral with the intention of discovering my life’s work. What was revealed was completely unexpected! The conditioning from the abusive experiences was rooted so deeply that I disconnected from my authentic self. My mental body was in denial overdrive, which was why I was able to fool so many people, including myself!

My nervous system had been in fight, flight, and freeze mode for so long that I disconnected from my body to keep my sanity and my soul to keep me safe. As I showed up to each session, clearing away the imprints of the unconscious conditioning, I began to REMEMBER. Connecting to who I was before, I was told I couldn’t be all the things that made me, ME.

I began to remember I enjoyed dancing on the dance floor even if I was the only one dancing. I began to remember my funky feminine style with a sexy flair. I began to remember how much I enjoyed all the things that made me laugh, made me too much, and made my heart sing! The more I connected to who I was before the trauma, the more freedom I felt to be ME! Over the next year, I reconnected with my dreams, my desires, and all the things that lit me up! Let’s fast forward a few intense years of rapid expansive growth as I was reintroduced to the divinity that lies within me.

Now I feel a connection and love for my partner I have never experienced with another. He is one of the kindest humans I have ever met and he loves me simply for being ME. I have a relationship with my daughter that is priceless. She is a beautiful inspiration each and every day. I am doing my life’s work as an ADV Spiral Practitioner connecting visionary leaders from around the globe to their true authentic selves, unweaving conditioning from their past, empowering their ability to fully step into their gifts, and impacting the world to be a better place.

I am no longer an imposter. I live an authentic, soul-aligned life with integrity that I design and I create. My flame is no longer suffocated by the shame, guilt, and trauma of the past. It is now fueled by it. What began as a journey to discover purpose and support others in overcoming their traumas has had a side effect. That is, a love for self I never knew existed. I can’t wait to share more about the magic of self-acceptance!

But for now, I’ll close with I am here to break the cycle of ancestral and generational domestic abuse. To support those who desire to say yes to their soul and conscious leaders make their visions a reality. This is my drop to create the ripple. I am ready, willing, and able to create a tsunami of change.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Sharing my experiences with domestic violence has been one of the scariest things I have ever done but it was also the journey toward healing and experiencing true freedom.

It’s hard to go into those dark places of ourselves and remember the worst moments of our lives. More often than not, we do our best to repress/suppress and try to forget vs allowing these moments into the light so we can heal. It’s easier to push down and disconnect than to feel to heal.

Mostly, I didn’t want my family to go through any more trauma than they already had because I was speaking out. But as I learned more and more about the ancestral and generational cycles of domestic violence, I realized that I wasn’t truly breaking the cycle of abuse just by leaving the relationship.

I needed to go deeper than that. I realized I needed to heal the root (what got me there in the 1st place) and then share how I was able to do so with others.

Domestic violence is a shameful secret that usually happens behind closed doors. I share my story to be an example to survivors who have experienced abuse or domestic violence that their past experiences do not define them and that they can create a life that lights them up after abuse.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
Saying yes to my soul.

My desire is to hold a powerful, safe energetic space to conduct emotional clearing, healing of the energetic bodies, and radical soul transformation as an advanced Spiral practitioner. I strive to lead from a place of integrity that enables clients to expand into their most authentic selves. My passion for this work is revealed in every session.​ I have the ability to hold a strong container because of the service work I’ve done in the areas of domestic violence and human trafficking. As a domestic abuse survivor, my goal is to heal on the soul level from a place of compassion and trust.​

I have a special interest in supporting conscious leaders who desire to design and create their vision. My gift is the ability to dive deep, breaking through the limiting beliefs of others while enabling high performers the ability to embody the legacy they are meant to leave in this world.​

I use my transmission as a connector of souls to create my vision of bringing people together in a safe, judgment-free space. Because of this, I founded the unique online community, Red Lotus Life, where students of life from around the globe are inspired by those who share their gifts to impact the world in a positive way. The online community supports and empowers members to create their own tsunami of change.​

You can find me feeding my soul by loving my people hard, surrounding myself with music, exploring the magical lava fields of Utah, hiking in nature, and connecting to the elements.

What sets me apart from others? I operate my Spiral practice a little differently. I believe in supporting my clients in between sessions because this is where the transformation lies. When I facilitate a Spiral session, it creates space for integration and implementation to take place. In this integration period in between sessions, my clients develop a deeper understanding of concepts and implement so much more than the Spiral modality.

They learn about their Human Design, Gene Key, and Wealth Dynamic profiles as well as concepts like embodiment, wealth consciousness, and ways to calm the nervous system in holistic ways. When we are able to shift emotions like shame, guilt, and grief into confidence, self-worth, and trust in self, my clients step into and embody the person they were always meant to be. An empowered sovereign being who is here to share their unique gifts with the world and that is a beautiful transformation to witness!

I offer a variety of ways to work with me. 1:1 sessions, group memberships, online courses, and retreats are on my website but for those who would like to learn more about healing from domestic violence, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, Red Lotus Life, where my cocreator and I drop weekly education, free workshops, and Emotional Clearing sessions.

The Spiral is a deep transformational journey that clears unconscious conditioning and emotional baggage, allowing us to experience higher states of consciousness. This 7-Step Journey combines ideas from Spiral Dynamics, David Hawkins’ Levels of Consciousness, the Chakra System, and the Chinese Meridian map to quickly and accurately clear our personal unconscious triggers associated with 22 of the most common human emotions. This process allows us to get out of our own way by removing the blocks between where we are, and where we desire to be.

The Spiral is a powerful process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops us from expressing our true authentic selves. It combines elements from Spiral Dynamics, Kinesiology, the Chakra System, and The Scale of Consciousness. ​Emotional clearing is a tool for finding emotions that are stored in the body and releasing them, whereas The Spiral is a journey that utilizes clearing to unlock the emotional blocks for the individual 7 levels of the chakra system.

​As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.

​You may have tried to create change in the past by changing your thinking (with coaching, affirmations, visualizations, etc) with little or no success. Unlike other processes that focus on removing blocks on a mental level, The Spiral goes into the body’s energy field and releases emotional blocks that are held in the body at an energetic level. As you free up your emotional body, you in turn free up your ability to start living the life you desire!

The Spiral is for anyone who feels they have unconscious conditioning or baggage holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to get rid of. Whether struggling in life, or super successful, this work has helped people from all walks of life step into a more empowered and authentic version of themselves.

Let go of the negative blueprints from your childhood and start consciously creating the life you want.

Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Most important? Clarity regarding the purpose and what I am here to do.

When we have clarity then we can focus on the direction of where we would like to go. Each step we take brings us closer to our vision and desired outcome. Our desires are our compass. When we have a combination of an open heart, a strong spine, and discipline, we have the ability to accomplish our heart’s desires.

I feel it is also important to surround yourself with those who help you rise. If you don’t, then you might as well be swimming upstream. My husband, Deric, is my rock and my biggest supporter. I couldn’t do this work without his belief in the impact it is making in the lives of domestic violence and trafficking survivors.

There are so many family members and friends who have been there through it all. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I can’t thank them enough. I love them with all of my heart. Thank you for believing in me! There are no words to express my love, gratitude, and appreciation for all who have supported this journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  • The Spiral Journey: $4950 – $2950
  • Emotional Clearing Sessions: $175
  • Say Yes To Soul Membership – $55/mth
  • Red Lotus Life Membership: $50/mth
  • Online Courses – $19 – $99

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Whitney Lambert, Lori Kinsey, Jamy Schumacher, Red Lotus Life, Divine Sacred, and Iconology: Elemental Wisdom 444

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