Today we’d like to introduce you to Nikki Bybee.
Hi Nikki, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I grew up in Idaho and have been teaching movement since 2001. I’m certified in Pilates, Lagree, and Redcord and have a Masters Degree from the University of Oklahoma in Dance. I held a full-time professorship and taught ballet at Brenau University in Georgia and have also taught for the University of Oklahoma and the University of Utah.
I first learned about Redcord suspension training while living near Atlanta, GA. My colleague and I were dedicated Pilates clients and experts in movement education. I noticed my colleague’s balance becoming remarkably impressive and asked what she was doing differently. She said “Redcord, you need to try it,” so I did!
The benefits of Redcord were immediate, much faster than Pilates, although I still practice and teach Pilates. I enjoyed Redcord so much that my biggest concern when leaving Georgia was not having Redcord training in Utah, so I certified in the training.
I have since done multiple courses and certifications in Redcord as well as other modalities. When I arrived in Utah I began working with ballet students from the UofU in my house. I taught for Ballet West Academy around the same time and introduced Redcord to a few students, most have stayed dedicated to their sessions. In May of 2020 I opened Sugarhouse Training and Conditioning (STAC).
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road has been smooth because it’s been organic. The biggest challenge is educating people on what Redcord training does and how it benefits EVERYBODY. Redcord originated in Norway on a fishing boat by a gymnast turned fisherman who used the ropes off the sails to exercise. The physical therapy community increased the power behind the exercises and built assessments and movement tests that identify weak-links in your body’s joint system often referred to as myofascial chains. Our exercises activate better movement and stability. A significant body of scientific research demonstrates Redcord’s effectiveness (check out: https://www.
As you know, we’re big fans of Sugarhouse Training and Conditioning (STAC). For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Sugarhouse Training and Conditioning is the only Redcord space in Utah. Our mission is to lead each body we see to perform at its peak. Redcord’s suspension training allows safe exercise for each individual by off-loading the body’s weight, it’s similar to being in a swimming pool. Redcord strengthens all planes of motion in one of the fastest ways possible, the three-dimensional training brings the body into balance, and often out of pain. Because muscular imbalances and/or compensations can cause pain, getting past pain begins in a single Redcord session. The activation of correct muscle usage is like turning on a light switch, the right muscles turned “on,” results in better movement and less/no pain.
At Sugarhouse Training and Conditioning we do a pre-assessment of movement followed by a post-session evaluation where clients can feel and see the shift in the body after an hour. Because Redcord trains chains of movement down your joint system–rather than focusing on just a particular group of muscles–results are fast.
The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
I learned to be brave. Opening a one-on-one personal training studio seemed fitting during the pandemic, it was also a risk. Creating Sugarhouse Training and Conditioning gave me lots to be happy about. It’s been a decade-long dream. We live in our bodies, and seeing a body move better quickly motivates me. Our quality of life is enhanced by functional movement. I get to be a part of mini-miracles; I had a dancer whose ankle surgery resulted in limited mobility, she regained nearly all her ankle motion within 2 sessions. That was fun. Restoring movement and freedom in someone’s body is meaningful. My epiphany, I guess, was that the pandemic gave me the best gift-I started doing more of what I love. I stepped forward as life stepped back and that step has been rewarding for me and my clients.
- Single Session $114. Package pricing goes as low as $92/session.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.
sugarhousetraining.com - Instagram: @
sugarhousetrainingconditioning - Facebook: Sugarhouse Training & Conditioning (STAC)
Image Credits
Saans Photography