Today we’d like to introduce you to Noel Hernandez
Hi Noel, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
It all started being born into a musical family. My Grandfather, my father , my uncles and all my brothers were musicians so I knew at a very young age that I was destined to be a musician, it was in my blood and I loved it. I remember my dad taking my brothers to events when they teenagers. My brothers would always have band practice at our house and I would always listen to what was going on. I used to get the old folgers coffee cans from back in the day and play along with my brothers during band practice, those were my make believe drums, I made so much noise that they would chase me out and I would leave crying, After every band practice, I would get on the keyboards and learn what they were rehearsing, next I would get on the drums and learn that part and then finally I would learn all the vocal parts then I would harmonize with the record until I perfected it. At the age of seventeen I finally received my chance to join a band and I never looked back since, I have now been playing music for forty one years, it wasnt until 2009 that a good friend invited me to sing on a project CD that he was recording, thats when I stared writing music. Two weeks later we were on the top 20 charts for our genre and the fire within me was ignited. It wasnt east, It took several years to finally get recognized in the Tejano Music Industry. Its a dream come true for me, I now share the stage and the studio with all the legends of the industry that I grew up listening to, I am totally blessed. I now spend a lot of time in Texas recording my next CD but never forgetting where I came from.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It was definitely not a smooth road. In 2011 I packed up and moved to the Dallas Ft Worth area to persue my dreams of making it big, but most of the musicians did not except me because I wasnt born in Texas, and being from Utah didnt help much either. Some radio stations would play my music, but most wouldnt because I was unknown in the Tejano industry, I moved back home to Utah for a few years and then finally hooked up with a well known producer from the Austin area and started recording again. Everything has been great, I have been singing and writing songs. I can honestly say that I am finally recognized in the industry by all the greats and all the people in the Tejano industry.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I believe that the Lord will bless us with a special talent, just to see what we do with those talents. I have been blessed to be a musician and also an avid cook, with my specialty being Mexican cuisine and also Texas style BBQ. throughout the years we have always given back to the community by performing at free events to support various organization throughout the city. With my cooking abilities, I have been able to feed the homeless, the needy and the hungry with no judgments passed. On several occasions when a family looses a loved one and does not have the means for a proper burial, we will host a fundraiser and sell food for that family. The thing I am most proud of is that my son has fallen into my footsteps and now also feeds the needy and the hungry and because of this, the Lord has blessed us seven fold. Without a doubt, none of this would of been possible without the unwavering support of my rock, my wife Valerie. She has stuck with me throughout thick and thin and for that I am truly greatful.
How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
You can support me by listening and buying my music, I am on all digital platforms. Always looking to collaborate with other artists.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: noelhernandez66
- Facebook: noelhernandez