Today we’d like to introduce you to Kara Hayes.
Hi Kara, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi! I’m Kara Hayes owner of KMUAstudios boudoir and makeup artistry! I have always loved connecting with people and creating through artistic mediums. As I got to the age that I started thinking about careers I’d like to explore, I knew I wanted to connect those two things in my job. When I started college I was at a loss I didn’t know how to combine making uplifting connections with people with being creative. There were a few options that were brought to my attention, but nothing lit up my soul…
At that time I made the decision to take a little break from college and serve a mission for The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was on that mission that I first heard of Boudoir Photography. As soon as I learned about it and talked to the photographer about it, I knew that was it. I felt that profession ignite something inside of me and that was what I needed to do- what I was born to do. I came home after my mission and started preparing for my journey with the boudoir.
It wasn’t until a year and a half later that I was finally able to launch my business. That was the second quarter of 2020. Looking back now, I’m surprised and impressed that I was able to launch my business and become as successful as I’ve been during the pandemic. But here I am!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Hahaaaa no. Launching a photography business, especially a boudoir photography business in the middle of the pandemic was difficult. I had to do things as a business owner that I never expected to do, but looking back I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Another struggle I didn’t necessarily expect was social media. I expected to post a photo every day and that was it. Let me tell ya- that is NOT it. You have to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms, I make videos to post on Tiktok and Instagram to help me reach more people and it is a lot of work. Keeping up with the trends and everything is intense. More intense than it seems as an outsider.
I have mad respect for full-time content creators. It’s tough! But on the flip side, I am very grateful for social media and the ability it gives me to connect with people from all over the world. It’s amazing.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I specialize in boudoir photography. Boudoir photography is so much more than having sexy photos to give to your partner. It is an experience that can change the way you see yourself and your body for the better! As soon as my client and I meet for their session, everything is about them. I hype them up and during that time we are together- they are literally the only thing that is on my mind. The studio is their haven.
Something unique that I do is talking about and bringing appreciation to the parts of our bodies that society has told us are flaws. Stretch marks, cellulite, belly rolls, hip dips, body hair, etc. Summer of 2021, I did a photo series called “Normalizing Normal” and I took photos of women of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and we focused on those things. That shoot changed my life and I got many comments from the women that participated and viewed the project that it helped them appreciate all parts of their bodies.
Recently, on my Instagram account (@kmuastudios) I have called the “Self Love Challenge”. Each month I choose a subject that we focus on – again like body hair, cellulite, stretch marks, and c-section scars- and I have my followers send me photos and I share them with the rest of my followers. I LOVE it.
Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
Do what feels best for you. While you are selling a product/service, you are also selling yourself. There are lots of photographers out there that are giving similar products. But you are the only you. And YOU are amazing. YOU are worth it. Never ever sell yourself short.
- $650- 1 hour session, all digital edits, access to client lingerie closet, and preparation guides.
- $1000- 1 hour session, all digital edits, access to client lingerie closet, preparation guides, hair and makeup, and luxury prints.
Contact Info:
- Website: kmuastudios.com
- Instagram: @kmuastudios
- Facebook: @kmuastudios
- Twitter: @kmuastudios